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CLICK HERE!Fashion and Design Law is an increasingly important part of a comprehensive Intellectual Property strategy for many Companies. Ross Pitcoff Law’s Fashion and Design Attorneys know the Business inside and out — advising some of the world’s most well-established Brands, tailoring solutions on everything from protection and exploitation of Intellectual Property to licensing and franchising.
From Individual Designers to large Fashion-Houses and Building-Design Companies at the forefront of innovation, our Team will help assist you with plans for your Brand or Business, protect your rights and manage contracts for you. With the ability to combine both legal and Business insights, we help structure and improve your Business.
At Abstract Law, we strive to match the ambition, determination, and creativity of our clients in the Fashion and Design Industry and help them grow. We can help you meet your long-term aspirations, safeguard your success and maintain it in the future!
We’re experts in handling the following matters:
Our lawyers at Abstract Law specialize in business litigation and corporate transactional matters.